Our “Super stars” class is available to children who are 4-5 years old. This class helps facilitate a smooth 
transition between the Preschool program and our recreational gymnastics and tumbling.
Age 4-5y/o
Class size 6
Duration 45 min
Category PreSchool
$ 150

Our “Super stars” class is available to children who are 4-5 years old. This class helps facilitate a smooth transition between the Preschool program and our recreational gymnastics and tumbling. The class helps students develop social skills, such as taking turns, wait in line, follow directions and learning to participate in gymnastics class as a team member. Our small classes allow your child lots of turns and close personal attention. Our specially designed curriculum is used to provide a safe and progressive approach to learning that gives your child many opportunities to succeed and be praised. This class is 45 minutes long. Super stars class has a class ratio of 6 to 1.